321. Make a shield from wisdom :
Author: 20090507 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

322. Managing the unmanageable : systematic downloading of electronic resources by library users / Gayle Baker, Carol Tenopir -- Library/vendor relations : the APA experience / Linda Beebe -- Managing customer relationships : a book vendor point-of-
Author: Sam Brooks, David H. Carlson, editors.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

323. Modern Buddhist cultures -- The cultural practices of Buddhist modernity -- Shanghai Buddhism -- Vegetarian identities --
Author: Francesca Tarocco.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

326. Niʻmatnāmah-yi Nāṣiruddīn Shāhī.,1. Empire in the afternoon: the interwar years -- 2. The sea change of empire: the effects of World War II -- 3. Instability and uncertainty: the postwar situation -- 4. Pronouncements, denunciation, and the search for ideology: international public opinion and decolonization -- 5. Countryside and city: the two landscapes of decolonization -- 6. 'Gotta be this or that': the problems of independence -- 7. Outside in: colonial migration -- 8. Land and language: concerns over the perceived continuing European presence -- 9. In the wake of the past -- 10. Beyond empire: current issues and conditions in the study of imperialism and decolonization. 0
Author: translated by Norah M. Titley. ,Raymond F. Betts.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

330. Pictorial Essay,ایران اسلام رسپوبلیکاسی ایله آذربایجان رسپوبلیکاسی آراسیندا اقتصادی و سیاسی مناسیبتلر ۱۹۹۱-۱۹۹۷
Author: 2009021500677nam1 22001692i 450 001000700000020002100007100004500028101000800073200016000081210014000241215000900381300004500390801003300435930001800468932000800486910001300494608032 ,20090214 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

331. Reading media texts: Iran-America relations
پدیدآورنده : Ebrahim Khodadady
موضوع : Readers - United States - Foreign relations - Iran Readers - Iran - Foreign relations - United States Readers - Press
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
332. Reading media texts: Iran-America relations
Author: Ebrahim Khodadai
Library: Library of Faculty of Literature and Humanities Sciences of Kashan University (Esfahan)
Subject: Readers- Press,Readers- Iran- foreign relations- United States,English language- Textbooks for foreign speakers
Classification :

333. Routledge studies in hu
Author: edited by Libby Porter and Kate Shaw.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

335. Shahsavan Iranian rugs and textiles /
Author: [sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

336. The Arab Middle East / Martin Bunton -- West Africa / David Owusu-Ansah -- East Africa / Valerie J. Hoffman -- Turkey / Markus Dressler -- Iran / Elton L. Daniel -- Central Asia / Devin DeWeese -- Southeast Asia / Nelly van Doorn-Harder -- Europe / John R. Bowen -- The Diaspora in the West / Amir Hussain -- The Quran / Gordon Nickel and Andrew Rippin -- Muhammad / Michael Lecker -- Sunni law / Robert Gleave -- Theology : freewill and predestination / Suleiman Ali Mourad -- Ritual life / Zayn Kassam -- Rites of Passage / Zayn Kassam -- Sufism / Art Buehler -- Shi'ism / William Shepard -- Relations with other religions / David Thomas -- The Arabic language / Mustafa Shah -- Philosophy / Oliver Leaman -- The scientific tradition / George Saliba -- Education / Jeffrey C. Burke -- The transmission of knowledge / Paul L. Heck -- Travel / David Waines -- 'Abd al-Jabbar / Gabriel Said Reynolds -- Na'im al-Mulk / Neguin Yevari -- Al-Ghazali / Frank Griffel -- Ibn 'Arabi / Sajjad H. Ri
Author: [edited by] Andrew Rippin.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

337. The Atlantic Alliance and global crisis manage
Author: Damon Coletta.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

338. The Iranian revolution at forty
Author: edited by Suzanne Maloney.
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Iran,Iran,Iran,United States,Iran,Middle East,Iran,Iran,History,Influence.,Foreign relations,Foreign relations,Foreign relations,Foreign relations,Foreign relations,Foreign relations,United States.,Iran.,Middle East.,Iran.,Revolution, 1979.,Revolution, 1979,1979-1997.,1997-, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Classification :

339. <The> conspirators 20th July 1944
Author: Roger Manvell
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

340. <The> economic impacts of terrorist attacks /
Author: edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)